A blacksmith provokes surprisingly human forms from single steel bolts…

Oslo-based blacksmith and photographer Tobbe Malm manages to create unusually emotional sculptures using old bolts. The series began when Malm stumbled onto the rusting bolts at a barn in Bergsladen, Sweden. He immediately recognized the wide caps and slender stems as having humanistic qualities so he gathered them up and proceeded to heat, forge, twist and bend them into shape in his studio. The resulting collection of sculptures titled Bolt Poetry, evokes humanistic moments of affection, sadness, and pain. You can see more of his work on Behance.



From rolling objects to wonderful pieces of art…..

The amazing art pieces come from the Belgian artist,Wim Delvoye.In his series entitled Pneu, the artist crafts floral pattern with the precision of a cabinetmaker wood carvings on tires of trucks and cars.Wim Delvoye, has great penchant for art and before he actually transformed the tires into art pieces, he learned the skill of traditional tattoos from weaving, passing through the ceramic, glass and steel to pursue his idea to perfection.


Belgian artist immortalizes car and truck tires with intricate floral structure carvings

Wim Delvoye art on tires

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